Analytical presentation of sea ice’s temperature profile in spring-summer period on the northern sea route
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-68-75
UDC 536.12:626:627
Veprinyak Ivan A., Koshkin Sergey V.
Keywords: sea ice, temperature on the horizons, snow cover.
UDC 536.12:626:627
Analytical presentation of sea ice’s temperature profile in spring-summer period on the northern sea route
For citation: Veprinyak I.A., Koshkin S.V. Analytical presentation of sea ice’s temperature profile in spring-summer period on the northern sea route. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 4. p.68-75. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-68-75
This paper is devoted to the issue of analytical representation of the temperature profile (thickness distribution) of sea ice. Questions of analytical generalization in the form of a continuous function depending on the average ice temperature, statistical data on temperature at discrete observation horizons are discussed. The following issues are discussed related to the peculiarities of the presentation of statistical data: – bringing them to a specific ice thickness; – determination of the temperature on the lower surface of the ice with the exclusion of the "openwork" layer that does not have mechanical strength; – the actual thickness of ice and snow cover on it from the "standard ranges of values" determined from the results of observations. The work presents the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of changes in the sea ice temperature over its thickness. Information on the sea ice temperature is given in relation to drifting ice of the Northern Sea Route of the Russian Federation in the spring-summer navigation period. Formulas are given for determining the temperature profile over the thickness of the ice, which make it possible to specify its physical and mechanical characteristics in solving problems of interaction with ships and hydraulic engineering objects.
This paper is devoted to the issue of analytical representation of the temperature profile (thickness distribution) of sea ice. Questions of analytical generalization in the form of a continuous function depending on the average ice temperature, statistical data on temperature at discrete observation horizons are discussed. The following issues are discussed related to the peculiarities of the presentation of statistical data: – bringing them to a specific ice thickness; – determination of the temperature on the lower surface of the ice with the exclusion of the "openwork" layer that does not have mechanical strength; – the actual thickness of ice and snow cover on it from the "standard ranges of values" determined from the results of observations. The work presents the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of changes in the sea ice temperature over its thickness. Information on the sea ice temperature is given in relation to drifting ice of the Northern Sea Route of the Russian Federation in the spring-summer navigation period. Formulas are given for determining the temperature profile over the thickness of the ice, which make it possible to specify its physical and mechanical characteristics in solving problems of interaction with ships and hydraulic engineering objects.
Keywords: sea ice, temperature on the horizons, snow cover.