State of the art and prospects for refrigerating compressor industry. Part 2. Technology and science
UDC 621.56
Pronin V.A., Kovanov Aleksandr V., Tsvetkov V.A.
Keywords: refrigerating compressor, advancements in compressor technology, compressor industry, refrigerating industry, trends in refrigerating industry.
State of the art and prospects for refrigerating compressor industry. Part 2. Technology and science
For citation: Pronin V.A., Kovanov A.V., Tsvetkov V.A. State of the art and prospects for refrigerating compressor industry. Part 2. Technology and science. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 2. p. 14-25. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-2-14-25
Refrigeration compressor industry is a significant area in the refrigeration industry with high energy consumption and, at the same time, enormous potential for energy-efficient solutions. The general trend in refrigeration engineering, based on the Kigali Amendment, poses the challenges of improving and creating new examples of compressor technology. The future prospects of the entire refrigeration industry also depend on the ability to address these issues in a global sense. At the same time, against the background of ongoing geopolitical events and corrections introduced by the pandemic (Covid-19), the current state of the refrigeration compressor industry is of special interest. Having considered this issue from the general point of view of modern market, the peculiarities for each of the volumetric compression technologies and their areas of application were identified. In the present article, for a full coverage of the subject, the aim is to clarify the state of the science and new production solutions, their compliance to market demands, first of aal - the prospects of screw and scroll compressors. New digital technologies which radically affect both research and production processes and bring a new milestone in design and production of finished products are sure to be mentioned. Particular attention is paid to the state of the relations between research centers and production, since it is this interaction that gives the best results. In particular, this article considers both worldwide and domestic trends in the development of refrigeration compressor industry from these positions.
Refrigeration compressor industry is a significant area in the refrigeration industry with high energy consumption and, at the same time, enormous potential for energy-efficient solutions. The general trend in refrigeration engineering, based on the Kigali Amendment, poses the challenges of improving and creating new examples of compressor technology. The future prospects of the entire refrigeration industry also depend on the ability to address these issues in a global sense. At the same time, against the background of ongoing geopolitical events and corrections introduced by the pandemic (Covid-19), the current state of the refrigeration compressor industry is of special interest. Having considered this issue from the general point of view of modern market, the peculiarities for each of the volumetric compression technologies and their areas of application were identified. In the present article, for a full coverage of the subject, the aim is to clarify the state of the science and new production solutions, their compliance to market demands, first of aal - the prospects of screw and scroll compressors. New digital technologies which radically affect both research and production processes and bring a new milestone in design and production of finished products are sure to be mentioned. Particular attention is paid to the state of the relations between research centers and production, since it is this interaction that gives the best results. In particular, this article considers both worldwide and domestic trends in the development of refrigeration compressor industry from these positions.
Keywords: refrigerating compressor, advancements in compressor technology, compressor industry, refrigerating industry, trends in refrigerating industry.