Angle coefficients and optimum values of radiator location in the radiator–wall system
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-13-19
UDC 536.46
Krivosheev Vladimir E., Shein V.М.
, Nikitin А. А.
Keywords: radiant heating, angular coefficients, heat flux, coordinate system, thermal comfort, infrared radiator.
UDC 536.46
Angle coefficients and optimum values of radiator location in the radiator–wall system
For citation: Krivosheev V.E., Shein V.M., Nikitin A.A. Angle coefficients and optimum values of radiator location in the radiator–wall system. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 3. p. 13-19. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-3-13-19
Currently, the issues of designing infrared heating systems are gaining increasing relevance. The value of the angular coefficient of radiation is one of the main design values in the processes of heating by radiation. To calculate the value of the required parameter, both analytical and graphoanalytical methods of calculation (flow algebra method) as well as experimental methods, to which the analogy method and light simulation method can be referred to, are used. However, the listed methods for determining angular radiation coefficients in infrared heating systems are difficult in their application to engineering calculations. This research work is aimed at investigating the values of the angular coefficients in the radiator-wall system in an infinite plane-parallel coordinate system and creating a new method of calculation. Based on the obtained patterns and characteristics of the radiant fluxes distribution, a program was developed in MS Excel to determine: the values of the angular coefficients in the system radiator-wall, the optimum distance from the wall to the radiation, as well as the distribution profiles of the irradiance of the wall depending on the height of the rooms and the distance from the wall to the leftmost point of the radiating panel. The parameters obtained as a result of calculation in the program allow significant improving the efficiency of the radiation heating systems for buildings and constructions.
Currently, the issues of designing infrared heating systems are gaining increasing relevance. The value of the angular coefficient of radiation is one of the main design values in the processes of heating by radiation. To calculate the value of the required parameter, both analytical and graphoanalytical methods of calculation (flow algebra method) as well as experimental methods, to which the analogy method and light simulation method can be referred to, are used. However, the listed methods for determining angular radiation coefficients in infrared heating systems are difficult in their application to engineering calculations. This research work is aimed at investigating the values of the angular coefficients in the radiator-wall system in an infinite plane-parallel coordinate system and creating a new method of calculation. Based on the obtained patterns and characteristics of the radiant fluxes distribution, a program was developed in MS Excel to determine: the values of the angular coefficients in the system radiator-wall, the optimum distance from the wall to the radiation, as well as the distribution profiles of the irradiance of the wall depending on the height of the rooms and the distance from the wall to the leftmost point of the radiating panel. The parameters obtained as a result of calculation in the program allow significant improving the efficiency of the radiation heating systems for buildings and constructions.
Keywords: radiant heating, angular coefficients, heat flux, coordinate system, thermal comfort, infrared radiator.