Heat and mass transfer during boiling of vegetable oil miscella in gravity flowing-down films

DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-4-91-99
UDC 665.3

Heat and mass transfer during boiling of vegetable oil miscella in gravity flowing-down films

Volkov Sergey M., Fedorov Alexander V. , Alexey A. Fedorov, Nugmanov A.H-H., Romanov Nikolay N.

For citation: Volkov S.M., Fedorov A.V., Fedorov A.A., Nugmanov A. H.-H., Romanov N.N. Heat and mass transfer during boiling of vegetable oil miscella in gravity flowing-down films. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 4. p. 91-99. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-4-91-99

Based on theoretical and experimental studies, the advantages of conducting the distillation process of vegetable oil miscella in gravity flowing-down film is substantiated. As there is practically no research on the boiling of the miscella in films, various approaches have been analyzed to assess the features of heat and mass transfer for various liquids boiling in gravity flowing-down film. Based on the available research, we substantiated the possibility of using the results of experimental studies on heat exchange obtained for a large volume in the calculations of boiling processes in gravity flowing-down film on the outer surface of pipes. Formulas are proposed for calculating the heat transfer coefficient during boiling of vegetable oil miscella in in gravity flowing-down film for concentrations of 20-95 % (w/w), in the range of overheating of the heat exchange surface relative to a boiling liquid of 10-40 °C, based on the experimental data obtained for boiling vegetable oil miscella in a large volume. It has been shown that heat transfer coefficient can reach a fairly large value of 1000-1200 W/(m2·K), and the average value is 400-600 W/(m2·K), which is significantly higher than with other methods of conducting the process of miscella boiling during distillation.

Keywords: vegetable oil, sunflower oil miscella, gravity flowing-down film, heat transfer coefficient, overheating.

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