An exergetic method for evaluating the efficiency of low-temperature power plants using low-potential cryoproduct heat

DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-3-18-24
UDC 62-97

An exergetic method for evaluating the efficiency of low-temperature power plants using low-potential cryoproduct heat

Tremkina Olga V., Uglanov D.A., Karnaukh V.V.

For citation: Tremkina О.V., Uglanov D.A., Karnaukh V.V. An exergetic method for evaluating the efficiency of low-temperature power plants using low-potential cryoproduct heat. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2024. No 3. p. 18-24. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-3-18-24

The generation of electricity is the most common area of use for low-potential energy of liquefied natural gas. Relevant technologies and circuit solutions are studied and improved. Our paper presents the exergetic method as a part of thermodynamic analysis of a single-circuit low-temperature power plant for generating electricity using the low-potential heat of a cryoproduct. The analysis allowed the determination of the exergetic efficiency, the exergy flow destroyed in each component. and other variables characterizing operation of the plant. The results demonstrated that exergetic efficiency ηеof low-temperature power plant at Тin= 111,6 Кis 0.7. The proposed methodology and the results of thermodynamic analysis of a low-temperature power plantusing low-potential heat of cryoproduct are recommened to use for solving the problems of optimizing and predicting the operation of single-circuit and multi-circuit power plants for power generation.

Keywords: exergy, working fluid, liquefied natural gas, cryoproduct, low-potential heat.

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