Manikhas G. M.


Д-р мед. наук




Bagautdinov Sh. M. , Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Fadeev R.V., Anisimova А. V., Dinikin M.S., Vashkurov. S.M. Cryogenic surgery in treatment of pancreatic cancer

The article was published in issue 2 of 2011

Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Dinikin M.S., Jusifov S. A. , Fedosenko K. V., Fadeev R.V. The effect of local cryogenic treatment on the morpho-functional state of the pancreas

The article was published in issue 2 of 2013

Khanevich M. D., Dinikin M.S., Fadeev R.V., Jusifov S. A. , Manikhas G. M., Fridman M.F. Therapy by freezing at removal of hepatic metastasises cancer of a thick gut

The article was published in issue 4 of 2011

Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Vashkurov. S.M., Khazov A. V. Use of ultralow temperatures in the surgical treatment of the soft tissue sarcomas

The article was published in issue 3 of 2014

Khanevich M. D., Manikhas G. M., Jusifov S. A. , Fadeev R.V., Dinikin M.S. Cryosurgery against inoperable pancreatic cancer

The article was published in issue 2 of 2012