Active peptides of fish scale in gainers for sports nutrition
UDC 796/799
Baydalinova L.S., Mezenova O. Ya., Hoeling A. , Moersel Jörg-Thomas , Mezenova N. Yu.
Nowadays the market of sports nutrition with laboratory synthetized active peptides is being growing rapidly. At the same time one cannot see the use of fish scale the collagen of which is a source of highly biologically active peptides. The scale of bream and sardinella has been experimentally analyzed. It was hydrolyzed by enzymatic and hydrothermal methods under high temperatures and pressure. Its amino acid composition has been analyzed. The processes of enzymatic protein decomposition under the action of tree types of enzymes and hydrothermal scale hydrolysis have been investigated. Biological value of scale active peptides of collagen hydrolysers has been found out and its combination with bee pollen has been rationalized. Sports nutrition gainer composition has been propped, recommendations for its use has been justified.
Keywords: gainer, scale, peptides, hydrolysers , sport nutrition.
Active peptides of fish scale in gainers for sports nutrition
Nowadays the market of sports nutrition with laboratory synthetized active peptides is being growing rapidly. At the same time one cannot see the use of fish scale the collagen of which is a source of highly biologically active peptides. The scale of bream and sardinella has been experimentally analyzed. It was hydrolyzed by enzymatic and hydrothermal methods under high temperatures and pressure. Its amino acid composition has been analyzed. The processes of enzymatic protein decomposition under the action of tree types of enzymes and hydrothermal scale hydrolysis have been investigated. Biological value of scale active peptides of collagen hydrolysers has been found out and its combination with bee pollen has been rationalized. Sports nutrition gainer composition has been propped, recommendations for its use has been justified.
Keywords: gainer, scale, peptides, hydrolysers , sport nutrition.