Production of high-quality dry modified collagen products by means of freeze-drying
DOI: 10.21047/1606-4313-2016-15-3-27-30
UDC 637
Titov E.I., Semenov G. V., Kidyaev S.N., Litvinova E.V.
Keywords: freeze-drying, collagen-containing raw materials, enzymes, functional product, collagen hydrolysate.
UDC 637
Production of high-quality dry modified collagen products by means of freeze-drying
For citation: Титов Е.И., Семенов Г.В., Кидяев С.Н., Литвинова Е.В. Получение высококачественных сухих модифицированных коллагенсодержащих продуктов с использованием сублимационной сушки // Вестник Международной академии холода. 2016. № 3. С.27-30
Production of collagen hydrolysate by biomodification of the frozen cattle lips and a way of its conservation by freeze drying are considered. Production process was carried out in the following way: the lips were preliminary washed out in the flowing tap water for20 min. to removeimpurities and slim;then flesh and fat lump was removed; water was drained for 15-20 min; and thethe raw materials were grindedusing grinder plate with 2-3 mmholes. The crushed samples were treated with the solutions of the Protease-B and Protease-C enzyme preparationsfor 0.5 – 1.5 h at the concentration of the preparation of from 0.02 to 0.06% to the mass of raw materials and mixed periodically (t = 17 ÷ 22 °C),with the ratio of raw materials to solution being 1:2.The filtrate from the product was separated by sieve. The raw materials processed in the above way were subjected to vacuum and freeze drying which was carried out at the SVP–0.36 testing bench in the mode of double-endedconductive and radiation power supply from electric heaters. Duration of freeze drying was 12 hours. Application of this type of drying has positive impact on properties of the raw materials, thus keeping its quality indicators.
Production of collagen hydrolysate by biomodification of the frozen cattle lips and a way of its conservation by freeze drying are considered. Production process was carried out in the following way: the lips were preliminary washed out in the flowing tap water for20 min. to removeimpurities and slim;then flesh and fat lump was removed; water was drained for 15-20 min; and thethe raw materials were grindedusing grinder plate with 2-3 mmholes. The crushed samples were treated with the solutions of the Protease-B and Protease-C enzyme preparationsfor 0.5 – 1.5 h at the concentration of the preparation of from 0.02 to 0.06% to the mass of raw materials and mixed periodically (t = 17 ÷ 22 °C),with the ratio of raw materials to solution being 1:2.The filtrate from the product was separated by sieve. The raw materials processed in the above way were subjected to vacuum and freeze drying which was carried out at the SVP–0.36 testing bench in the mode of double-endedconductive and radiation power supply from electric heaters. Duration of freeze drying was 12 hours. Application of this type of drying has positive impact on properties of the raw materials, thus keeping its quality indicators.
Keywords: freeze-drying, collagen-containing raw materials, enzymes, functional product, collagen hydrolysate.