Microbiological aspects of biotechnology safety for the production of glazed chewing marmalade based on extracts from medicinal plant raw materials
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-56-63
UDC 664.149
Yamchenko Tatiana V., Zemlyakova Еvgeniya S.
Keywords: chewing marmalade, medicinal plant raw materials, microbiology, shelf life.
UDC 664.149
Microbiological aspects of biotechnology safety for the production of glazed chewing marmalade based on extracts from medicinal plant raw materials
For citation: Yamchenko T.V., Zemlyakova E.S. Microbiological aspects of biotechnology safety for the production of glazed chewing marmalade based on extracts from medicinal plant raw materials. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2021. No 2. p. 56-63. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2021-20-2-56-63
This article presents the results of microbiological studies to establish the expected shelf life and storage conditions of a new type of marmalade produced from atypical raw materials for this product – medicinal plant raw materials with the addition of wheat bran. The expiration date was determined by microbiological safety indicators for confectionery products, namely, the indicator for the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, bacteria of the genus Salmonella, molds and yeast. The obtained values of these indicators were checked for their compliance with the requirements in terms of micro-biological safety for confectionery products presented in the regulatory documentation – TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety". The safety indicators were determined when the product was stored under variable storage conditions: optimal temperature (4±2 °C), average (temperature 20±2 °C), and extreme conditions (temperature 25 °C). To obtain additional information for drawing up a plan for microbiological studies, determining the number of control points and establishing the expected shelf life of the developed product, it was compared with analogues of pastille-and-jelly products presented on the market in Russia. Two types of marmalade were chosen as such analogues: with gazing – the Umniye Salodosty candies and without glazing – the Chudo-Yagoda marmalade, in which the indicators of microbiological safety were also checked. According to the results of the research, the shelf life of the developed glazed chewing marmalade based on the extracts from LRS was established, which was 10 days under the optimal conditions for this product-temperature of 4±2 °C.
This article presents the results of microbiological studies to establish the expected shelf life and storage conditions of a new type of marmalade produced from atypical raw materials for this product – medicinal plant raw materials with the addition of wheat bran. The expiration date was determined by microbiological safety indicators for confectionery products, namely, the indicator for the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, bacteria of the genus Salmonella, molds and yeast. The obtained values of these indicators were checked for their compliance with the requirements in terms of micro-biological safety for confectionery products presented in the regulatory documentation – TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety". The safety indicators were determined when the product was stored under variable storage conditions: optimal temperature (4±2 °C), average (temperature 20±2 °C), and extreme conditions (temperature 25 °C). To obtain additional information for drawing up a plan for microbiological studies, determining the number of control points and establishing the expected shelf life of the developed product, it was compared with analogues of pastille-and-jelly products presented on the market in Russia. Two types of marmalade were chosen as such analogues: with gazing – the Umniye Salodosty candies and without glazing – the Chudo-Yagoda marmalade, in which the indicators of microbiological safety were also checked. According to the results of the research, the shelf life of the developed glazed chewing marmalade based on the extracts from LRS was established, which was 10 days under the optimal conditions for this product-temperature of 4±2 °C.
Keywords: chewing marmalade, medicinal plant raw materials, microbiology, shelf life.