Water binding capacity of carrot and beet powders, and their influence on the humidity of sourdough for round cracknel products
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-1-61-67
UDC 664.8.037
Tikhiy Anton V., Barakova N.V., Samodelkin Evgeniy A.
Keywords: carrot powder, beet powder, water-binding capacity, round cracknel products, dense sourdough, water consumption, mathematical modeling.
UDC 664.8.037
Water binding capacity of carrot and beet powders, and their influence on the humidity of sourdough for round cracknel products
For citation: Tikhiy A.B., Barakova N.V., Samodelkin E.A. Water binding capacity of carrot and beet powders, and their influence on the humidity of sourdough for round cracknel products. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 1. p.61-67. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-1-61-67
The water binding capacity of carrot and beet powders has been investigated, and the effect of the powders on the moisture content of dense sourdough for round cracknel products has been established. The study found that the carrot powder has a higher water binding capacity than the beet powder, which initsturn affects the amount of water that must be added to the dough before the fermentation process begins. The obtained empirical equations establish the correspondence between the dough moisture content and the amount of the carrot and the beet powders taken. In this study, the methodof choosing the appropriate centrifugation modes of powders and water mixture to determine the water binding capacity of vegetable powders is proposed. It is recommended to carry out the moisture binding properties of powders when the rotor rotates at 6000 rpm-1 within20 minutes for carrot powder, and15 minutes - for beet powder. In this study, we used Vitbiokor (the Republic of Belarus) carrot and beet powders. Carrot powder contains: protein content — 10%, fat — 0.8%, carbohydrates — 55%, fiber — 2.4%, moisture content — 8%, particle size distribution — 85-95 micron. Beet powder contains: protein content — 9.9%, fat — 0.7%, carbohydrates — 59.7%, fiber — 2.5%, moisture — 8.2%, particle size distribution — 95-105 micron. A ULAB centrifuge was used to choose the mode of centrifugation of a powder and water mixture when determining their water binding capacity.The dough was prepared according to the following recipe: 100 g of premium wheat flour (Predportovaya flour, produced by Saint Petersburg Mill Plant, JSC) with the moisture content at 12.9%, 2.5 g of pressed yeast, and 50 cm3 of water. In experimental samples of sourdough for round cracknel products, in addition to 100 g of flour, carrot and beet powders were added: 1.5; 3.0; 6.0; and 9.0% by flour weight. The moisture content of powders, flour, and the dough was determined by means of drying to constant mass. The results show the need to develop a mathematical model that takes into account indicators of the properties and quality of various types of flour and vegetable powders included in the recipes of round cracknel products. The model would allow to calculate the required amount of water added to the quickly dough and to make adjustments in the production of round cracknel products. Thus, digitalization is a significant part of the production process.
The water binding capacity of carrot and beet powders has been investigated, and the effect of the powders on the moisture content of dense sourdough for round cracknel products has been established. The study found that the carrot powder has a higher water binding capacity than the beet powder, which initsturn affects the amount of water that must be added to the dough before the fermentation process begins. The obtained empirical equations establish the correspondence between the dough moisture content and the amount of the carrot and the beet powders taken. In this study, the methodof choosing the appropriate centrifugation modes of powders and water mixture to determine the water binding capacity of vegetable powders is proposed. It is recommended to carry out the moisture binding properties of powders when the rotor rotates at 6000 rpm-1 within20 minutes for carrot powder, and15 minutes - for beet powder. In this study, we used Vitbiokor (the Republic of Belarus) carrot and beet powders. Carrot powder contains: protein content — 10%, fat — 0.8%, carbohydrates — 55%, fiber — 2.4%, moisture content — 8%, particle size distribution — 85-95 micron. Beet powder contains: protein content — 9.9%, fat — 0.7%, carbohydrates — 59.7%, fiber — 2.5%, moisture — 8.2%, particle size distribution — 95-105 micron. A ULAB centrifuge was used to choose the mode of centrifugation of a powder and water mixture when determining their water binding capacity.The dough was prepared according to the following recipe: 100 g of premium wheat flour (Predportovaya flour, produced by Saint Petersburg Mill Plant, JSC) with the moisture content at 12.9%, 2.5 g of pressed yeast, and 50 cm3 of water. In experimental samples of sourdough for round cracknel products, in addition to 100 g of flour, carrot and beet powders were added: 1.5; 3.0; 6.0; and 9.0% by flour weight. The moisture content of powders, flour, and the dough was determined by means of drying to constant mass. The results show the need to develop a mathematical model that takes into account indicators of the properties and quality of various types of flour and vegetable powders included in the recipes of round cracknel products. The model would allow to calculate the required amount of water added to the quickly dough and to make adjustments in the production of round cracknel products. Thus, digitalization is a significant part of the production process.
Keywords: carrot powder, beet powder, water-binding capacity, round cracknel products, dense sourdough, water consumption, mathematical modeling.