Development of calibration models in the spectral range from 1400 to 2500 nm to determine the mass fraction of fat, sugar and moisture in bakery products by the NIR method
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-45-51
UDC 543.421/.424:664.66.014
Mikhail Yu. Kukin, Kostyuchenko Marina N., Nutchina Maria A., Parakhina Olga I.
Keywords: spectroscopy, near-infrared region, calibration models, bakery products, standards, mass fraction of fat, sugar, moisture.
UDC 543.421/.424:664.66.014
Development of calibration models in the spectral range from 1400 to 2500 nm to determine the mass fraction of fat, sugar and moisture in bakery products by the NIR method
For citation: Kukin M.Yu., Kostyuchenko M.N., Nutchina M.A., Parakhina O.I. Development of calibration models in the spectral range from 1400 to 2500 nm to determine the mass fraction of fat, sugar and moisture in bakery products by the NIR method. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 4. p. 45-51. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-4-45-51
The possibility of using the NIR method to determine of fat, sugar, and moisture mass fraction in bakery products has been studied. Based on a representative sample and the results of chemical and physico-chemical methods of analysis, calibration models have been developed for the joint determination of these components by the NIR method in fresh bakery products with a crust. A series of laboratory baking of bakery products with different fat and sugar content was carried out. Relevant arbitrage methods of analysis have been worked out and updated. The spectra were taken using NIR analyzers operating in the wavelength range from 1400 to 2500 nm. The NIR spectra of samples from a representative sample were compared with the results of proven chemical and physicochemical methods of analysis. The verification of arbitration methods of fat, sugar, and moisture analysis in bread revealed a deviation of the obtained results from the true values. The use in the development of calibrations the proven arbitration methods of analysis and devices capable of recording a continuous spectrum from a sample made it possible to obtain an acceptable accuracy of the NIR analysis results after validation for a specific device. Calibration models have been developed for the joint determination of the fat, sugar and moisture mass fraction in fresh bakery products with a crust by the method of spectroscopy in the near infrared region. GOSTs were updated and the NIR method was included in GOST 5668–2022 “Bakery products. Methods for determination of fat content” and GOST 5672–2022 “Bakery products. Methods for determination of sugar content”. This allows expanding the application area of NIR method, simplifying, and accelerating of bakery products analysis.
The possibility of using the NIR method to determine of fat, sugar, and moisture mass fraction in bakery products has been studied. Based on a representative sample and the results of chemical and physico-chemical methods of analysis, calibration models have been developed for the joint determination of these components by the NIR method in fresh bakery products with a crust. A series of laboratory baking of bakery products with different fat and sugar content was carried out. Relevant arbitrage methods of analysis have been worked out and updated. The spectra were taken using NIR analyzers operating in the wavelength range from 1400 to 2500 nm. The NIR spectra of samples from a representative sample were compared with the results of proven chemical and physicochemical methods of analysis. The verification of arbitration methods of fat, sugar, and moisture analysis in bread revealed a deviation of the obtained results from the true values. The use in the development of calibrations the proven arbitration methods of analysis and devices capable of recording a continuous spectrum from a sample made it possible to obtain an acceptable accuracy of the NIR analysis results after validation for a specific device. Calibration models have been developed for the joint determination of the fat, sugar and moisture mass fraction in fresh bakery products with a crust by the method of spectroscopy in the near infrared region. GOSTs were updated and the NIR method was included in GOST 5668–2022 “Bakery products. Methods for determination of fat content” and GOST 5672–2022 “Bakery products. Methods for determination of sugar content”. This allows expanding the application area of NIR method, simplifying, and accelerating of bakery products analysis.
Keywords: spectroscopy, near-infrared region, calibration models, bakery products, standards, mass fraction of fat, sugar, moisture.