Morphological, cultural, and biophysiochemical characteristics of microorganisms – potential producers of xylanase
DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-4-79-90
UDC 579.64
Dyshlyuk Lyubov S., Kazimirchenko O.V. , Ulrikh Elena V., Agafonova S.V.
Keywords: xylan, xylanolytic enzymes, microorganism-producers, microflora of lignocellulosic raw materials, bacteria, mold fungi.
UDC 579.64
Morphological, cultural, and biophysiochemical characteristics of microorganisms – potential producers of xylanase
For citation: Dyshlyuk L.S., Kazimirchenko O.V., Ulrikh E.V., Agafonova S.V. Morphological, cultural, and biophysiochemical characteristics of microorganisms – potential producers of xylanase. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2023. No 4. p. 79-90. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2023-22-4-79-90
In the last decade, the properties of xylanolytic enzymes, which are used in the production of cellulose and paper, feed for farm animals, as well as food and beverages (in particular, prebiotic components), have been actively studied. The purpose of this work was to identify microorganisms isolated from plant materials and of interest in terms of the ability to produce xylanases by their morphological, cultural, tinctorial, and biophysiochemical properties. From the microflora of lignocellulosic raw materials collected in the Kaliningrad region, isolates of bacteria and mold fungi were isolated, which can be considered as promising producers of xylanolytic enzymes. Four bacterial isolates of Bacillus megaterium, B. badius, B. mesentericus, and B. lentus were isolated from the microflora of white lupine seeds; five bacterial isolates of B. brevis, B. firmus, B. megaterium, B. sp., B. mycoides and one isolate of the fungus Penicillium glaucum - from seed hulls of white lupine; two isolates of bacteria B. pumilus, B. mycoides and one isolate of micromycete Penicillium glaucum – from horse chestnut seeds; four bacterial isolates of B. mesentericus, B. sphaericus, B. stearothermophilus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus – from soybean hulls. Comparison of the results obtained with the literature data suggests that the isolated bacteria and microscopic fungi have the ability to produce xylanolytic enzymes, which will be evaluated in further studies.
In the last decade, the properties of xylanolytic enzymes, which are used in the production of cellulose and paper, feed for farm animals, as well as food and beverages (in particular, prebiotic components), have been actively studied. The purpose of this work was to identify microorganisms isolated from plant materials and of interest in terms of the ability to produce xylanases by their morphological, cultural, tinctorial, and biophysiochemical properties. From the microflora of lignocellulosic raw materials collected in the Kaliningrad region, isolates of bacteria and mold fungi were isolated, which can be considered as promising producers of xylanolytic enzymes. Four bacterial isolates of Bacillus megaterium, B. badius, B. mesentericus, and B. lentus were isolated from the microflora of white lupine seeds; five bacterial isolates of B. brevis, B. firmus, B. megaterium, B. sp., B. mycoides and one isolate of the fungus Penicillium glaucum - from seed hulls of white lupine; two isolates of bacteria B. pumilus, B. mycoides and one isolate of micromycete Penicillium glaucum – from horse chestnut seeds; four bacterial isolates of B. mesentericus, B. sphaericus, B. stearothermophilus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus – from soybean hulls. Comparison of the results obtained with the literature data suggests that the isolated bacteria and microscopic fungi have the ability to produce xylanolytic enzymes, which will be evaluated in further studies.
Keywords: xylan, xylanolytic enzymes, microorganism-producers, microflora of lignocellulosic raw materials, bacteria, mold fungi.