Optimization of the enzymatic process of fat isolation from secondary fish raw materials for use in biotechnology

DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-3-43-55
UDC 664.951.014: 639.55: 627.8

Optimization of the enzymatic process of fat isolation from secondary fish raw materials for use in biotechnology

Mezenova O. Ya., Agafonova S.V., Romanenko Natalya Yu., Kalinina Natalya S., Volkov Vladimir V., Dambarovich Leonid V., Fedorov Dmitry S., Fedorova Olesya S., Yachnikov Denis V.

For citation: Mezenova O.Ya., Agafonova S.V., Romanenko N.Yu., Kalinina N.S., Volkov V.V., Dambarovich L.V., Fedorov D.S., Fedorova O.S., Yachnikov D.V. Optimization of the enzymatic process of fat isolation from secondary fish raw materials for use in biotechnology. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2024. No 3. p. 43-55. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2024-23-3-43-55

The relevance of using fish oil from fish processing waste is due to the scale of the problem, the high biological value of the fat, and its low storability. The purpose of the study was to optimize the enzymatic extraction of fat from fat-containing fish waste for microbial synthesis of biotechnology products. The raw materials used were smoked sprat and mackerel heads and pike perch entrails with a fat content of 20.3-42.1%. The design of experiments was carried out on the basis of a second-order orthogonal central compositional design for three factors (temperature, duration, and dosage of the alkalase enzyme). Particular responses were the yield of fat, its acid, and peroxide values. It has been established that with increasing enzyme dosage and processing time, fat yield increases and quality indicators deteriorate. The amount of extracted fat varies from 24.9% to 42.1% of its content in the raw material, the acid number (mg KOH/g) varies from 5.7 (sprat) to 21.7 (mackerel), peroxide number (mmol act. oxygen/kg fat) - from 9.1 (sprat) to 107.2 (mackerel). Mathematical models were obtained in coded and natural form, demonsrating the interrelation between enzymeolysis factors with partial responses and a general optimization parameter. Changes in quality indicators and fat yield depending on each of the factors and their combinations were analyzed, and the areas of localization of extremums of response surfaces were determined. Recommended modes of enzymolysis, depending on the type of fish raw material are: the temperature 45-65 ° C; the duration 25-65 minutes; Al-calase dosage 0.35-0.45%. According to its characteristics, the isolated fat can be used as a carbon source for the microbial synthesis of biotechnology products - proteins and biopolymers of polyhydroxyalkanoates.

Keywords: fish waste, fish oil, acid value, peroxide value, fat yield, fermentolysis, microbial synthesis, biotechnology products.

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