History and development of food technologies at the Kaliningrad Division of the IAR
UDC 664.573.6
Fatykhov Yu. A., Erlikhman V.N., Titova I.M., Baydalinova L.S., Semenov B. N., Shenderyuk V. I., Andreev M. P., Kiselev V. I., Mezenova O. Ya., Klyuchko N. Yu.
In view of the modern trends in the development of science and education both nationwide and within Kaliningrad Province, the Kaliningrad Regional Division of the International Academy of Refrigeration (IAR) was registered as a public association on 7 June 1995. Today the Kaliningrad Division is a team of experts sharing similar views on the development of refrigerating and food industries in the region. Its members are the leading scientists of Kaliningrad State Technological University and Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet as well as representatives of the production enterprises and governmental bodies of the region. There are foreign members as well, representing the UK and Lithuania.
Keywords: food industry, food technology, Kaliningrad Province, fish products, seafood, secondary resources.
History and development of food technologies at the Kaliningrad Division of the IAR
In view of the modern trends in the development of science and education both nationwide and within Kaliningrad Province, the Kaliningrad Regional Division of the International Academy of Refrigeration (IAR) was registered as a public association on 7 June 1995. Today the Kaliningrad Division is a team of experts sharing similar views on the development of refrigerating and food industries in the region. Its members are the leading scientists of Kaliningrad State Technological University and Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet as well as representatives of the production enterprises and governmental bodies of the region. There are foreign members as well, representing the UK and Lithuania.
Keywords: food industry, food technology, Kaliningrad Province, fish products, seafood, secondary resources.