Technological peculiarities of developing a plant product with the use of Streptococcus Salivarius Subsp. Thermophilus and Lactobacillus Delbrueckii Subsp. Bulgaricus microorganisms
Technological peculiarities of developing a plant product with the use of Streptococcus Salivarius Subsp. Thermophilus and Lactobacillus Delbrueckii Subsp. Bulgaricus microorganisms
For citation: Alshevskaya M.N., Anistratova O.V., Kochina A.A. Technological peculiarities of developing a plant product with the use of Streptococcus Salivarius Subsp. Thermophilus and Lactobacillus Delbrueckii Subsp. Bulgaricus microorganisms. Journal of International Academy of Refrigeration. 2022. No 3. p.39-48. DOI: 10.17586/1606-4313-2022-21-3-39-48
The article shows the results of the development of fermented plant products with lactic acid microorganisms of the species Streptococcus Salivarius subsp. Termophilus and Lactobacillus Delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus is based on oatmeal powder and sunflower protein. Mixtures of fermented oatmeal powder with vegetable proteins of rice, peas or pumpkin were also studied according to the criterion of biological value of protein. As a result of the experiment, the values of the solubility index, pH, as well as the density of the resulting mixtures and their individual components were obtained. The physicochemical, structural-mechanical and organoleptic parameters of the finished vegetable product based on oatmeal powder and sunflower protein were studied. It was revealed that with an increase in the mass fraction of pectin from 0.5 to 1.5 percent, the hardness and viscosity of the products increase both after fermentation and during cold storage, and the mixture has a more homogeneous texture, the visible effect of the syneresis process decreases. It was revealed that with an increase in the period of cold storage, the hardness of the samples increases.
The article shows the results of the development of fermented plant products with lactic acid microorganisms of the species Streptococcus Salivarius subsp. Termophilus and Lactobacillus Delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus is based on oatmeal powder and sunflower protein. Mixtures of fermented oatmeal powder with vegetable proteins of rice, peas or pumpkin were also studied according to the criterion of biological value of protein. As a result of the experiment, the values of the solubility index, pH, as well as the density of the resulting mixtures and their individual components were obtained. The physicochemical, structural-mechanical and organoleptic parameters of the finished vegetable product based on oatmeal powder and sunflower protein were studied. It was revealed that with an increase in the mass fraction of pectin from 0.5 to 1.5 percent, the hardness and viscosity of the products increase both after fermentation and during cold storage, and the mixture has a more homogeneous texture, the visible effect of the syneresis process decreases. It was revealed that with an increase in the period of cold storage, the hardness of the samples increases.
Keywords: fermented vegetable products, oatmeal powder, lactic acid microorganisms, vegetable proteins, solubility index, biological value of the product, viscosity, hardness, fermentation.